Προεδρείο Παγκύπριας Επετειακής 10ης Ημερίδας Δημόσιας Υγείας

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Aρχική Σελίδα Σύνδεσμος εγγραφής Πρόγραμμα Ομιλητές Προεδρείο


Master in Public Health – Information Προηγούμενες Χρονιές Σχετικοί Σύνδεσμοι Επικοινωνία


Mrs. Eliza Markidou, Senior Clinical Dietician, Nutrition Unit Coordinator, Cyprus Ministry of Health

Eliza Markidou studied Biology at the American University of Beirut and then pursued postgraduate studies at New York University in Clinical Dietetics – Nutrition, earning the title of Registered Dietitian. In 1997, she was elected President of the Dietitians Abroad of America globally and served the profession of Dietitian internationally for five consecutive years.

She works at the Ministry of Health as the head of the Nutrition sector in Cyprus. Since 2005, she has been actively involved in Europe and represents Cyprus in the High-Level Group on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Europe, participating in the development of European nutritional policy. Since 2016, the Council of Ministers has appointed her as the General Coordinator for Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles for the Ministry of Health. She is also a member of the European Obesity Platform and serves as the point of reference for Nutrition and Physical Activity issues in Cyprus for the World Health Organization. She was an active member of the committee that drafted European Policy on Childhood Obesity.

She founded and presides over the nonprofit organization Bone Vivo, which focuses on healthy nutrition and exercise for children and parents. The organization is an active member of the European EPODE network for educational Health and Nutrition programs. She leads the postgraduate program in Clinical Dietetics at the college of Limassol. She has specialized in the Mediterranean Diet and works tirelessly to preserve the Cypriot Mediterranean diet as part of maintaining cultural tradition, promoting the Mediterranean Diet and olive oil. She is the vice president of the American University of Beirut Alumni Association and a former board member of the women’s organization A.I.P.F.E. and the Cyprus Dietitians Association.


Prof. Dr. Constantinos Deltas, Director, Center of Excellence in Biobanking and Biomedical Research, Medical School, University of Cyprus.

Professor of Medical and Molecular Genetics, at the Medical School, UCY. He has coordinated in the past numerous multidisciplinary projects with several partners in Cyprus and abroad, successfully, with smaller and larger budgets, in the order of many thousands and millions of euros. He has been running his own lab since 1991 and he has provided the research and educational incubator, which trained more than 60 scientists at all levels, including faculty from other Universities, medical doctors, postdoctoral fellows, PhD & MSc students, undergraduate diploma students and technologists.